Mother of God of Fatima
icon MB007720 x 32 cm
(convex and engraved gold ornaments as well as agate and dotted on gold)
icon MB0071With natural turquoises on gold.
Models for this image was 11-year-old Angelina Cian with her younger brother. Over time, the image was popularized as religious. He won the 2nd international exhibition of modern art in Venice in 1897 (Venice Biennale).
According to Bernardo Daddi, made around 1340-45
Image of Mother of God the Painfull, worshiped by Saint Gabriel.
According to Paolo di Giovanni Fei.
Icon was made around year 1370.
(called Divine Mother of Reliable Hope)
Contemporary icon
According to legend it was written by Teofan the Greek in late XIV century.